* Booking.com integration is for Premium Plan only

** Before you get started, make sure your Rates are set. Here's the guide: here.

***Make sure you are not already connected with a different channel manager. Otherwise, please contact your account manager to disconnect your existing channel manager to use Roomsy's channel manager or check the steps outlined by Booking.com to do so.

  1. To connect to a channel manager, Login to your Booking.com account, click on the 'Account' icon in the top right-hand corner of your extranet and choose ‘Channel manager’ from the drop-down menu.

  2. Here you choose Roomsy from a group of providers. Select Connect Your Channel Manager. Then, search for Roomsy. Select Roomsy, then click on Next. Once this is done, all you need to do is click ‘Start’ and follow these steps:

  3. Select your provider and connection type. 

  • You will be provided with three options to choose from for connection type. Select the option below.
  • Full connection (two-way): the provider processes ‘Rates & Availability’ as well as ‘Bookings’.

4. Accept XML Service Agreement

  • Read through the conditions.
  • Tick the box stating ‘I have read, accepted and agree to the Terms and conditions’.
  • Click ‘Accept’.

5. Provider confirmation

When you accept the agreement, Roomsy receives an email with your details and connection request.

Roomsy confirms that all settings are complete on our side but you do not have to wait to complete the next steps.

6. Then Log into Roomsy and then go to Settings>Integrations>Roomsy Channel Manager and enter your Booking.com Hotel ID

After entering the Booking.com ID you will the screen change to this. 
Click on Manage which will then lead you to next step which is mapping the Room Types & Rates between Roomsy and Booking.com.
The mapping process is really easy. You have to match the Room Type you have in Booking.com to the Room Type in Roomsy and select the Rate plan Booking.com should be displaying. 
Once you are done with mapping please ensure to click Save All to save your changes. 

Once Roomsy confirms the setting, you’ll receive a new notification in your ‘Inbox’ tab. 

You need to confirm that you want to connect to the Roomsy Channel Manager and give us the power to manage certain processes (as per your selected connection type in Step 1).
Connection activated
Once the connection is confirmed, the status changes to ‘Active’.Your Booking.com profile is now connected to Roomsy Channel Manager.