* Booking.com integration is for Premium Plan only

** Before you get started, make sure your Rates are set. Here's the guide: here.

*** Make sure your property must be set with Expedia as "Hotels Collect" and "Sell Rate". "Hotels Collect" means you are collecting the payment from the guest instead of Expedia collecting the fees. "Sell Rate" means the rate includes the taxes and Expedia fees. Contact your Expedia market manager to change these settings, or to learn about how your property is currently set.

  • Login to Expedia partner central. This information should be provided by Expedia.

  • Go to [Rates and Inventory]

  • Click on [Expedia Quick Connect Settings]

  • Under "System Provider" dropdown list, choose "Roomsy PMS" and click on [Submit]

  • Once this process is completed, send us an email to 'support@roomsy.com' to let us know you have completed these steps
After this we will have some work to do on our end. Please allow one to two business days for us to get you connected.