Roomsy now comes with two prebuilt customer types called Blacklist and VIP. 

Sometimes a hotel needs to stop a person from making a reservation at their hotel and they need an easy way to be reminded of this guest. 

Similarly, with guests of high importance, they can also be identified by marking them as a VIP. 



To add a guest to a Blacklist, open up their profile by going to their reservation, clicking on the name and under the Customer Type field choose Blacklist.

Once a customer has been put on the Blacklist you will get a notification (when making a reservation) and visual cues on various stages to remind you of the guests status. 

If a guest, who has stayed with you in the past, is marked as Blacklisted the name will show in a red background to get your attention to their status when adding their name to the reservation.


If you still select this guest, you will receive a notification immediately on the screen to confirm the selection. 

Once the reservation is made we still give you another visual cue of the guest status on the dashboard. When you hover over the name it will show in red. 


Similarly, a guest can be marked as a VIP by selecting VIP under Customer Type in their profile.

When you make a reservation for a VIP the name will show in a golden background colour when the name suggestion is provided. 

When you hover over a VIP's name in the dashboard the name will be shown in golden background colour again. 

If you have any questions about this please do contact us on